
2023-06-02 作者 dustry003 0

TPS0805BU-20清洁管由聚烯烃管(TPH)和软聚烯烃管(TPS)组成。两者都有六种不同的颜色可供选择,有 20m 或 100m 捆绑包可供选择。

有 6 种不同的颜色可供选择
提供 20m 或 100m 捆扎

字段描述 字段取值 TPS0805BU-20取值描述
表示管子称呼 0805 外径 8mm X 内径 5mm
颜色表示 BU
1卷长度 20 每卷20m


TPS0805BU-20 Clean Tube (Soft Polyolefin Tube)
The clean tubing series TP consists of a polyolefin tubing (TPH), and a soft poly-olefin tubing (TPS). Both are available in six different colors and available in 20m or 100m bundles.

Soft polyolefin tubing
Available in 6 different colors
Available in 20m or 100m bundles
Applicable for air, gas & water applications